
Showing posts from April, 2018

Why “retranslations”?

I read an interesting article about economics in the German magazine one day, and thought that it would be a good idea to share the main points of this article to other people. It does not mean a full translation of this article that I can do as well, but to provide a brief summary with own thoughts and analysis. As I wanted to “pass” the information further to somebody, the word “retranslations” suited best for the title of my blog.   The meaning of the word “retranslations” comes from the Latin word “translatio” – to pass, to give, namely “retranslations” mean to give or to pass further. My blog will contain brief summaries of different articles that I find interesting and their translations added with my comments and analysis. The topics of my blog posts will be mainly about economic policy, marketing, photography and lifestyle. My blog posts will be in Latvian and English, although the content of my blog posts may differ between these two languages.

Some words about me

Name, surname: Česlavs Gržibovskis.   Education: higher education (bachelor degree in marketing management, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia; master’s degree in European studies, Europa Institut, Basel University, Switzerland; uncompleted PhD studies, doctoral thesis: “Growth fostering structural policy and reforms in Latvia”).   Professional work: currently working with economic policy issues, coordination of economic policies, monitoring and supervision; lecturing at the university on economic development of the Baltic states and integration in the EU.   Professional interests: foreign languages (I speak in Russian, English, German and a little bit Polish); economic policy and structural reforms (author of different international scientific publications about economic development of Latvia that were presented at international conferences in Latvia and abroad).   Hobbies: photography and art, fishing.