Why “retranslations”?

I read an interesting article about economics in the German magazine one day, and thought that it would be a good idea to share the main points of this article to other people. It does not mean a full translation of this article that I can do as well, but to provide a brief summary with own thoughts and analysis. As I wanted to “pass” the information further to somebody, the word “retranslations” suited best for the title of my blog. 

The meaning of the word “retranslations” comes from the Latin word “translatio” – to pass, to give, namely “retranslations” mean to give or to pass further.

My blog will contain brief summaries of different articles that I find interesting and their translations added with my comments and analysis. The topics of my blog posts will be mainly about economic policy, marketing, photography and lifestyle.

My blog posts will be in Latvian and English, although the content of my blog posts may differ between these two languages.

Taking into account the abovementioned, the aim of my blog is to share information and knowledge about economic policy, marketing and photography, as well as initiate discussion on these topics. Thus, I would like to invite you, dear readers, to involve in the exchange of opinion, comment, criticize and provide suggestions.

If you want to publish some part of my blog post or a full content of my blog post, please provide a reference to my blog. I am open also for a cooperation and in case you have a professional offer, please contact me by e-mail: retranslacijas@gmail.com 

I hope that my blog will be useful and interesting for you, and you will enjoy it!



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