Every ordinary day could be a perfect day


It was an ordinary day on the 12 October 2021. My car was on repair, but I had to go to the migration office to get my new ID card. I thought about going by bicycle or rent an electric scooter, but in the morning I saw that the weather was good and I decided to go on foot.

I went out and started walking. I thought that it would be the ordinary day, nothing special. My route went through the interesting neighbourhood of the Riga city that is located on the left side of the Daugava river. It went through the three neighbourhoods - Šampēteris, Zasulauks and Āgenskalns. This neighbourhood is not a typical tourist destination, although it has a lot of interesting buildings. So, if you are a tourist in Riga, I would recommend visiting these neighbourhoods, because they are special and out of the mainstream of popular tourist routes in Riga.

As I walked, I found interesting objects on the street and buildings. As my hobby is photography, I started shooting with my smartphone. I did not take my photo camera with me, as I thought it would be an ordinary day, nothing special. However, it turned to a special and perfect day in the end.

"You can turn the ordinary day into a special and perfect day. It is up to you how you start your day and what kind of attitude you have towards different things in your everyday life." 

You can look at those photos I took during my walk later below. What I would like to say is that you can turn the ordinary day into a special and perfect day. Well, the question is of course how to do it.

Here are my key tips that I found out for myself and would like to share with you:

  • Do not expect anything when you get up. Just get up in the morning, smile and have a breakfast. Everything that will happen during the day later could come as a positive surprise. If you do not expect anything, positive experience that you get during the day turns to be stronger, and in the result you have more positive effect that has a positive impact on your mood during the whole day. It can turn as a motivating power that could help you in everything you do during that day, and you can be more productive at your work as well.
  • Do something that you like before starting to do some serious work. I like photography, so shooting while walking to the migration office and back home loaded me with a positive energy. The walk itself and a fresh morning air improved my physical and mental condition, too. So, do some physical exercises in the morning and get the breath of a fresh air. If you do not want to do any physical exercises, just go out for a short walk and include it in your daily routines.
  • Learn to explore something new every day and have a positive attitude in general. I knew these neighbourhoods and streets before, but what I realized that morning was that I noticed the beauty and charm during every step I took. This feeling was fantastic and energizing.
  • Open your eyes. It is important that you open your eyes while walking. You know, sometimes we just walk, and by walking we look down or think about anything that bothers us, and do not notice what is happening around us, as well as we do not capture the beauty that is around. It is important to calm down, to free our mind, open our eyes, look around, and we will see the beauty in ordinary things, the beauty of life, the beauty of every day.
  • Try to keep this positivity and energy through the whole day until the late evening when you close your eyes and go to sleep. This ordinary day that turned in the result into a positive and beautiful day loaded me with a positive energy. As I came home and switched on my computer to start my work, I felt very motivated and productive. I was really very satisfied with the day, with my work, with my duties and tasks that I did, and I managed to keep this motivation and productivity through the whole day.

So, I hope the abovementioned tips will help you to make every ordinary day in your life perfect and beautiful. At least the 12 October 2021 which initially was thought to be an ordinary day turned out into perfect and beautiful day.

And now it is time for my photos that I took during my walk and that I processed a little bit, so that they look a bit like a film photography.


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