10 tips for street photography beginners - introduction

I will share with you in my next posts 10 key tips for shooting street photography. I started to shoot street photography in October 2017. Ten months have passed. So, I decided to share with you my own experience in street photography and key points that you can take for yourself.

Previously I usually shot only landscapes, flowers and my family members. Shooting family members was a challenge for me, because it is really difficult to take photos of people, as they move and are not so static as landscapes.

I heard from a professional photographer at the photography school where I learned the basics of photography that photographers can be divided into two kinds: those who shoot landscapes and those who shoot portraits of people.

So, speaking about me, I think that I am more of a landscape photographer’s nature. I like to think a bit longer and slower, to analyse the scene longer before pressing the shutter button.

In the portrait photography, especially in the street photography when everything changes so fast, and you must catch and understand when the right moment is, you must press shutter button fast. Sometimes you just do not have any time to think about and plan the scene you shoot.

However, I decided to challenge myself and to try street photography. Before doing that, I read numerous e-books that I found on the web, e.g. written by Eric Kim, Thomas Leuthard. By the way, the works and e-books of Thomas Leuthard inspired me the most in trying street photography.

I must admit that after starting my street photography attempts, my photos of family members have improved significantly in terms of composition and perspective. Street photography for me resulted in a so-called training and improved my skills of shooting my family members.

Before starting your own attempts in street photography, check out the works of Thomas Leuthard and other street photographers on the web. It will give you some ideas about the street photography as such, and what you may look at while taking photos on the street.

Although I am still far away from the level of Thomas Leuthard and other advanced street photographers, and I am only at the beginning of this exciting journey to street photography, here are my 10 key basic tips for you. I hope they will help you, if you also decide to start shooting street photography one day.


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