Tip 9 of 10: Create a free web-gallery, share your photos online and consider making a photobook of your best photos

There are different websites that provide the opportunity to publish your photos for free and make them publicly available. You do not need to be a web-designer and to have your own webpage. All you need to do is to register whether on Google Photos, Flickr or even Instagram, and publish your photos there.

Consider making a photobook of your best photos. It can be ordered in your city. A lot of firms and photo shops offer such a service. You can choose 20 best photos and order 5-10 copies of the photobook. Such photobook will be original and unique present for your friends.

You can make photobooks annually with your best 20 photos, and collect them on your shelf at home. After a certain period of time you will be able to assess your own progress in street photography, which is very important. Printed photos are better than on computer’s screen.


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