Tip 6 of 10: Think about the perspective

There are a lot of motorcycles, scooters and bicycles parked on the street. You can use them and shoot from an interesting perspective of a motorcycle or a bicycle driver.

This photo below shows perspective that people on the bench see, namely the Triumph Arc in Paris.

Stop on the bridges and look down. This is also interesting perspective to shoot from above. 

Shooting the stairs that go down to the subway or underground crossing of the street provide also an interesting perspective. Stairs itself give an interesting geometric perspective. 

Similarly, think about turning your camera up when you go under the bridges or upstairs from the subway or underground. Somebody will look down from the bridge or a street, and you can capture this person and get an interesting photo.

Buildings can also give interesting perspective, if you shoot something that is in front of you on the street, but there are walls on both sides of the street, or at least one wall. It gives you a sort of an imaginary line that leads you to the shooting object on your photograph. 

Look at other elements on the street (traffic signs, lines, lanterns, etc.). Depending on whether these are lines or repeating objects they will give you a so-called leading line or rhythm in your photos.

The examples of the leading line: 

The example of the rhythm:



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