Tip 4 of 10: Blurry image is not always a fail, but can be also a style – your style

Your photos should not be always sharp. Blurry photos are sometimes also interesting. When I shot this photo of an old man who cleaned the street from the leaves in autumn, this photo appeared to be very blurry. It was because of a long zoom when I shot him from the window. Probably, by pressing a shutter button, I shook my camera a bit. When I looked at this photo on my computer, I liked it, because it had something stylish and mystical in there.

Here you can look at other examples of blurry photos that I made, but which to my mind are interesting:

As there are a lot of street photographers worldwide, you have to find your own style to be recognizable afterwards. It is very difficult. However, shooting original and interesting blurry images on purpose but not because your camera fails to shoot sharp images, can be the right direction to go. 


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