Tip 3 of 10: Think about the background, as well as static vs moving objects

The background can spoil or contrary – improve your photo. If you shoot a person with dark clothes on the dark background (e.g. dark wall), such a photo will fail unless this person is not lit with a morning or evening sunshine. If the background, i.e. the wall of the building is light, it will create a good contrast and this will be a good photo in the result.

Similarly, with static and moving objects. People standing on the bus stops are in general static objects as they wait for a bus and usually do not move, but cars and public transport moves fast. So, there will be an interesting photo, if you shoot people on the bus stop when the car, truck or a bus drives fast on the background or just near the bus stop in a forward moving perspective.

By looking at this photo on the camera’s screen, I thought I failed. When I looked at this photo on my computer, I liked this photo. It looks stylish to my mind. Traffic lights are static and sharp, but the car which is driving fast has created a movement on the photo, as the car is blurry.

Here are some other examples of the “static vs moving” objects on the street: 



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